How to Use in answer in a Sentence
in answer
Vic took some time to settle silence and think in answer.
—Riley Van Steward, Forbes, 23 Jan. 2023
In the word indict, the c is silent, in heir the h is silent, in salmon the l is silent, in receipt the p is silent, in island the s is silent, in answer the w is silent.
—Richard Lederer, San Diego Union-Tribune, 8 July 2023
But in answer to your question, there are a few of us making films and trying to tell stories that resonate in those two worlds.
—Alex Ritman, The Hollywood Reporter, 24 Aug. 2022
Seemingly in answer, hundreds of tiny blue lights sparked to life, rippling out in waves.
—Elizabeth Anne Brown, New York Times, 29 Nov. 2023
The increase in answer rates nationwide comes amid a sharp increase in contacts since the launch of 988, the federal agency said.
—Kelly Livingston, ABC News, 11 Feb. 2023
This is not in answer to whether or not Miss Manners can suggest something, but rather a response to this woman’s question.
—Miss Manners | Judith Martin, Anchorage Daily News, 28 Jan. 2023
This is not in answer to whether Miss Manners can suggest something, but rather a response to this woman’s question.
—Jacobina Martin, Washington Post, 27 Jan. 2023
As if in answer to their question, the very next fantasy sequence—only the second in the show—features Abraham Lincoln.
—Courtney Sender, The Atlantic, 6 Apr. 2022
Hua said in answer to a question about whether China’s military drill would impinge on those waters.
—Chris Buckley,, 4 Aug. 2022
The first adage came in answer to a question about the Eagles’ quarterback situation under new coach Nick Sirianni.
—Mark Inabinett |, al, 20 May 2021
This in answer to persistent, if not angry questioning, as to the possibility that the people of Lahaina might never be able to return to their town.
—Time, 17 Aug. 2023
Last week, Hadi Matar nearly ended Mr. Rushdie’s life, seemingly in answer to the ayatollah’s call.
—Reza Pahlavi, WSJ, 18 Aug. 2022
So, in answer to the person who is charmed by the skilled dirt bike riders, stop the dirt bike riding on city streets and lead a movement to erect a dedicated track, where the drivers can ride without endangering others or harming private property.
—Reader Commentary, Baltimore Sun, 6 May 2024
The current labor market imbalance is a reflection of the pandemic’s lasting effect on the US economy and on labor supply, said Powell on Tuesday in answer to a question about the report.
—Nicole Goodkind, CNN, 8 Feb. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'in answer.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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